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VITA Standards - Non-Member Purchases & Member Free downloads

This is a complete listing of the VITA standards, along with their current status with links for purchasing and member free downloads.

-xxxx = Year (New or Revised) standard approved by ANSI and/or VITA
(Rxxxx) = Reaffirmed, no changes to standard
(Sxxxx) = Stabilized Maintenance, ANSI or VITA, no changes to standard
(Wxxxx) = Withdrawn from ANSI, still available from VITA

ANSI/VITA standards are under continuous or stabilized maintenance. Comments may be submitted to the VITA Technical Director.

Designation Title Abstract Status


VITA Member Download
VMEbus Handbook, 4th Edition
A user's guide to the VME, VME64 and VME64x bus specifications - features over 70 product photos and over 160 circuit diagrams, tables and graphs. The handbook complements the VMEbus standard and provides examples and explanatory text for all facets of the VMEbus architecture. VITA Approved $100 $100
ANSI/VITA 1-1994 (S2021) VME64 The VME64 standard establishes a framework for 8-, 16-, 32, and 64-bit parallel-bus computer architectures that can implement single and multiprocessor systems. This bus includes the four basic sub-buses: (1) data transfer bus, (2) priority interrupt bus, (3) arbitration bus, and (4) utility bus. The mechanical specifications of boards, backplanes, subracks, and enclosures are based on IEC 297 and IEEE 1101.1 specifications, also known as the Eurocard form factor. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 1.1-1997 (S2021) VME64 Extensions VME64x is an extension of the ANSI/VITA 1-1994, VME64 standard. It defines a set of features that can be added to VME32 and VME64 boards, backplanes and subracks. These features include a 160 pin connector, a P0 connector, geographical addressing, voltages pins for 3.3V, a test and maintenance bus, and EMI, ESD, and front panel keying per IEEE 1101.10. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 1.3-1997 (S2021) VME64x 9U x 400mm Format This standard is an extension of the ANSI/VITA 1-1994, VME64 Standard. It defines 9U x 400 mm boards, backplanes and subracks for use in application requiring large format printed circuit boards. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 1.5-2003 (S2014) VME 2eSST An extension of the ANSI/VITA 1-1994, VME64 and ANSI/VITA1.1-1997, VME64x standards, it defines a transfer protocol, based upon source synchronous concepts that permit the VMEbus signalling to operate at rates to at least 320MB/s. The 2eSST protocol requires low skew between signals and monotonic rising and falling edges on the signals. To meet these requirements, limited length backplanes, special backplane topologies and/or enhanced transceivers are required. The standard calls for enhanced bus transceivers with controlled rise and fall times, tightly defined thresholds, low part-to-part skew and LVTTL levels. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 1.6-2000 (S2021) Keying for Conduction Cooled VME64x This standard is an extension of the VME64x Standard, ANSI/VITA 1.1-1997. It defines a keying system that can be added to VME64x boards and backplanes in a conduction cooled environment (IEEE 1101.2) where keying as defined in the VME64 Extensions standard cannot be applied. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 1.7-2003 (S2014) Increased Current Level for 96 Pin &160 Pin DIN/IEC Connector This standard describes increased current levels, test methods, test data and compliance criteria for 3 row DIN and 5 row DIN connectors when used in VME, VME64 and VME64 Extension P1/J1 and P2/J2 pin out arrangements. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 3-1995 (S2022) Board Level Live Insertion for VMEbus This standard identifies methodologies through which a faulty board can be removed from a system and a replacement board can be inserted while the system continues to operate. The primary motivation for supporting Board Level Live Insertion within the VMEbus environment is to enhance the current VMEbus standard while maximizing the use of existing off-the-shelf VMEbus products. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $75 Free
VITA 4-1995 (S2022) IP Modules This standard defines a versatile module, known as an "IP module."These modules provide a convenient method of implementing a wide range of I/O, control, interface, slave processor, analog and digital functions. IP modules, about the size of a traditional business card, mount parallel with a host Carrier board, which provides host processor or primary bus interfacing, as well as mechanical means for connecting the IP module's I/O to the outside world. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $100 Free
VITA 4.1-1996 (S2022) IP I/O Mapping to VME64x This standard defines the mapping of the 50 user defined I/O pins from the IP (ANSI/VITA 4-1995 (S2011)) I/O connectors to VME64x board's rear I/O connectors. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 5.1-1999 (S2022) RACEway Interlink on VME This standard provides a specification of the data link protocol and physical interface of a high performance extension to the VMEbus standard. This extension consists of high bandwidth, low latency interconnects across a VMEbus computer chassis backplane using the P2 connector. Bi-directional connectivity between boards in a VMEbus chassis is achieved through the use of a network of crossbar switches with point-to-point interconnects. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $75 Free
VITA 6-1994 (S2022) Signal Computing System Architecture (SCSA) on VME The Signal Computing System Architecture (SCSA) standard establishes a framework for the inter- and intra-system transfer of serial media data and control information oriented toward the development of high density call and voice processing products and systems. The SCSA architecture is application specific and is embodied as a family of buses that are defined in this physical layer of the specification to reside on the VMEbus J2/P2 connector. The SCSA buses coexist with products compliant with ANSI/VITA 1-1994, VME64. SCSA at the physical level consists of two separate subbuses, a sixteen line TDM data transfer bus called the SCbus, and a serial, peer-to-peer communication link called the SCmessage bus. The primary purpose of the SCbus is to support the exchange of real time telephonic voice, facsimile, data, video and other media streams. The purpose of the SCmessage bus is to transport interprocess control and status messages. This specification defines only the physical and data link OSI layers of the four layer transport facility. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
VITA 6.1-1996 (S2022) Extensions to ANSI/VITA 6-1994 Signal Computing System Architecture This standard contains a set of feature extensions to ANSI/VITA 6-1994 Signal Computing System Architecture (SCSA) which expand the switching capacity of the TDM subbus called the SCbus and provide for redundant buses or bus elements. This standard is built upon the ANSI/VITA 1.1-1997 VME64 Extensions standard. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
VITA 10-1995 (W2012) SkyChannel Packet on VME P2 This standard provides a specification of the data link protocol and physical interface of a high performance packet bus extension to the VME standard. This extension consists of high bandwidth, low latency packet bus transfers between VMEbus modules using the P2 connector and a network of crossbar designs.

This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI/VITA approved standard and is listed for historical reference only. No further action will be taken with this standard.
VITA Archived Request Free
VITA 12-1997 (S2022) M-Module This standard defines minimum mechanical and electrical characteristics of M-Modules, a method of implementing modular circuit boards with specific functions that can be used to add functionality to other larger printed circuit boards. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $75 Free
VITA 13-1995 (W2006) VMEbus Pin Assignment Standard for ISO/IEC 14575 (IEEE Std. 1355-1995 (H.I.C.)) This standard defines a standard pin assignment for ISO/IEC 14575 (IEEE Std. 1355-1995 (H.I.C.) heterogeneous interconnect on the VMEbus.

This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI/VITA approved standard and is listed for historical reference only. No further action will be taken with this standard.
VITA Archived Request Free
VITA 17-1998 (S2022) Front Panel Data Port (FPDP) This standard provides a specification of the protocol and mechanical characteristics of the Front Panel Data Port. This extension to the VME standard consists of a multidrop synchronous parallel non-addressable bus connection between multiple boards in a single chassis. The connection is made to a connector on the front panel of each board by means of an eighty conductor ribbon cable. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 17.1-2015 (R2022) Serial Front Panel Data Port This document describes a standard for “Serial FPDP ”, a high-speed low-latency serial communications protocol for use in high-speed data transfer applications, typically using a fiber optic link. As the name implies, it is directly related to Standard Front Panel Data Port (FPDP), deriving its serial protocol from the defined protocol and control signals of FPDP. This Serial FPDP standard supports seven link speeds: 1.0625 Gbaud, 2.125, 2.5, 4.25, 5.0, 8.5, and 10.0 Gbaud. These seven link speeds can support data transfer rates in excess of 105 MBps, 210 MBps, 247 MBps, 420 MBps, 494 MBps, 840 MBps, and 988 MBps respectively. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 17.3-2018 Serial Front Panel Data Port (sFPDP) Gen 3.0 This standard defines VITA 17.3 “Serial FPDP Gen 3.0 ”(sFPDP), a high-speed serial communications interface. Included in this definition are various user data framing methods, supported system configurations, and the Link Layer Protocol. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free

Serial Front Panel Data Port (sFPDP) Gen 3.0 This standard defines VITA 17.3 “Serial FPDP Gen 3.0 ”(sFPDP), a high-speed serial communications interface. Included in this definition are various user data framing methods, supported system configurations, and the Link Layer Protocol. In process for reaffirmation or SM $50 Free
VITA 19.1-1998 (W2006) BusNet Media Access Control (MAC) Standard The VME BusNet Protocol is designed to provide a common and unique method for use by two or more devices (participants or peers) for network communication across a backplane. Because the VME BusNet Protocol is context independent, which means the contents of the packets sent across the backplane are independent of the BusNet protocol, most high-level networking protocols available today can be used by peers on the same VMEbus backplane without the need for a second physical interconnection between the participants.

This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI/VITA approved standard and is listed for historical reference only. No further action will be taken with this standard.
VITA Archived Request Free
VITA 19.2-1998 (W2006) BusNet Link Layer Control (LLC) Standard The VME BusNet Protocol is designed to provide a common and unique method for use by two or more devices (participants or peers) for network communication across a backplane. Because the VME BusNet Protocol is context independent, which means the contents of the packets sent across the backplane are independent of the BusNet protocol, most high-level networking protocols available today can be used by peers on the same VMEbus backplane without the need for a second physical interconnection between the participants.

This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI/VITA approved standard and is listed for historical reference only. No further action will be taken with this standard.
VITA Archived Request Free
ANSI/VITA 20-2005 (S2018) Conduction Cooled PMC This standard defines the methodology and implementation details to allow the creation of conduction cooled PMC modules to ensure electrical and physical compatibility with various host card modules onto which conduction cooled PMCs are mounted. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 23-1998 (S2022) VME64 Extensions for Physics and Other Applications This standard defines a series of recommended practices for the use of VMEbus in the physics community. This standard is generally consistent with the NIM/VME-P document 9612, "VMEbus for Physics Applications ", that has served as a working group approach, and has also utilized items from the CERN VSC "Recommended Practices "document. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $100 Free
VITA 25-1998 (W2006) VISION (Versatile I/O Software Interface for Open-bus Networks) VISION (Versatile I/O Software Interface for Open-bus Networks) specifies a standard way to move data among entities connected by a bus, and possibly across a network.

This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI/VITA approved standard and is listed for historical reference only. No further action will be taken with this standard.
VITA Archived Request Free
VITA 26-1998 (S2022) Myrinet-on-VME Protocol Standard This standard describes a packet network protocol called Myrinet for communications between VME modules using interconnects either on a front panel or on a backplane. Networks may be module to module, subrack to subrack, and/or chassis to chassis. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
VITA 29-2001 (W2006) PC*MIP This standard defines the mechanical and electrical specification for compliance with the PC-MIP mezzanine module. The mechanical specifications are defined in this standard. The electrical specifications are based on the PCI bus. This document provides the appropriate pin assignments.

This standard was withdrawn as an ANSI/VITA approved standard and is listed for historical reference only. No further action will be taken with this standard.
VITA Archived $25 Free
VITA 30-2000 (S2022) 2mm Equipment Practice for Eurocard Systems This standard defines an equipment practice based on a combination of 2 mm connectors, per IEC 61076-4-101, and subracks, racks and printed boards based on the Euroboard form factors. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
VITA 30.1-2008 (S2022) 2mm Connector Practice on Conduction Cooled Euroboards This standard is intended to be a companion specification to other standards as referenced. The aim is to ensure mechanical interchangeability of conduction-cooled circuit card assemblies in a format suitable for military and rugged applications and to ensure their compatibility with both conduction cooled chassis and commercial, air-cooled, single height (3U) and double-height (6U) x 160mm, Euroboard chassis. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
VITA 30.2-2001 (IEC) Power Connector Equipment Practice This standard describes various separable connectors that can be used to conduct electrical current between two printed boards. Typical applications include power supplies or other power management devices. It has been developed to aid in the design of equipment where such connectors are typically found. The information included consists of interface and profile dimensions, printed board layout dimensions, suggested or actual signal and power pin assignments as well as information regarding standards that may exist for the connectors. Power connectors are defined, for the purpose of this standard, as separable connectors that are designed to provide current to devices at levels consistent with the overall operating power of the device. As such, they must have at least one (1) contact capable of carrying five (5) amps or more of electrical current. Industry Technical Agreement Request Request
VITA 31.1-2003 (S2022) Gigabit Ethernet on VME64x Backplanes This standard defines a pin assignment and interconnection methodology for implementing a 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet switched network on an ANSI/VITA 1.1 VME64x backplane. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 32-2003 (S2014) Processor PMC This standard incorporates a set of extensions to the IEEE 1386.1 PMC (“PCI Mezzanine Card ”) standard which creates a new class of CPU based PMC cards referred to in this standard as Processor PMC cards. The standard retains electrical signaling compatibility with existing PMC cards. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 35-2000 (S2021) PMC-P4 Pin Out Mapping to VME-P0 and VME64x-P2 This standard provides pin mapping assignments between a PCI mezzanine Card (PMC) module's user IO connector (P4) and the VME host's user IO connector. Four mappings are provided. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 38-2003 (S2022) System Management on VME This standard is based on the PICMG 2.9 System Management specification and describes the additional requirements for implementing Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) in a VME system. IPMI describes a hardware independent interface between chassis sensors and the operating system. IPMI is particularly useful for managing servers and High Availability systems. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 39-2003 (S2022) PCI-X for PMC and Processor PMC This standard integrates the PCI-X capability from PCI to PMC based products, including standard PMCs as well as Processor PMCs. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 40-2020 Service and Status Indicator Standard This standard defines the colors, behaviors, placement, and labeling of service and status indicator lamps for boards, field replaceable units, and enclosures. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
VITA 41.0-2006 (S2022) VXS VMEbus Switched Serial Standard The VME Switched Serial (VXS) standards comprises this base standard defining physical features of VXS components, coupled with a set of protocol layer standards to define the specific serial interconnect used in a system implementation. The VXS base standard defines physical features that enable high-speed communication in a VME compatible system. These features include: addition of a high speed connector to the VME64x board in the P0/J0 position, a 6U by 160mm by 6HP Eurocard format board with many high speed connectors which may act as a switch, and the backplane/chassis infrastructure needed to support these features. In addition to defining a high -speed connector in the P0/J0 area, VXS also defines alignment and keying features which may be used to protect this and future alternate connectors. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $75 Free
VITA 41.1-2006 (S2022) VXS 4X InfiniBand ™Protocol Layer Standard This standard describes a method for using the InfiniBand protocol on ANSI/VITA 41.0, VXS. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 41.2-2006 (S2022) VXS 4X Serial RapidIO Protocol Layer Standard This standard describes a method for implementing Serial Rapid I/O on ANSI/VITA 41.0, VXS. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 41.6-2009 (S2022) VXS 1X Gigabit Ethernet Control Channel Layer Standard This protocol layer document builds upon the VXS-based standard by describing how VXS boards may communicate using the existing data plane protocols with provisions for a separate control plane. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 42.0-2021 XMC: Switched Mezzanine Card (XMC) Auxiliary Standard This document defines an open standard for supporting high-speed, switched interconnect protocols on an existing, widely deployed mezzanine card form factor. This revision (2021) adds updated signal integrity data for PCIe capabilities as well as revised connector drawings. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
VITA 42.1-2006 (S2022) XMC Parallel RapidIO 8/16 LP-LVDS Protocol Layer Standard This standard describes a method for implementing parallel RapidIO on the VITA 42.0, XMC mezzanine form factor. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 42.2-2006 (S2018) XMC Serial RapidIO Protocol Layer Standard This standard describes a method for implementing Serial RapidIO on the VITA 42.0, XMC mezzanine form factor. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 42.3-2020 XMC PCI Express Protocol Layer Standard This standard describes a method for implementing PCI Express on the VITA 42.0 XMC mezzanine form factor.

This edition revised bit positions and lengths to allow for encodings for PCIe speeds of Gen 3 to Gen 6. Table 5-4 from the VITA 42 standard was added to Sections 4.3.5 and 4.4.5 to address P16 pin definitions. Minor editorial changes to bring in line with current practice.
ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 42.6-2009 (S2024) XMC 10 Gigabit Ethernet 4-Lane Protocol Layer Standard This standard defines a method for supporting 10 Gigabit Ethernet using XAUI switched interconnect protocol on the XMC form factor. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.0-2023 +Errata VPX Baseline Standard This standard describes VITA 46.0 VPX Baseline Standard; an evolutionary step forward for the provision of high-speed interconnects in harsh environment applications.

This revision adds verification methodologies to all Rules and Recommendations, adds guide socket/pin rotations for additional power supply configurations, provides further clarifications to power wafer current ratings, and makes other changes to clarify the requirements of this standard.
ANSI/VITA Approved $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.1-2007 (S2018) VMEbus Signal Mapping on VPX This standard defines a signal mapping for the VMEbus on ANSI/VITA 46.0, VPX baseline standard. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.3-2012 (S2024) Serial RapidIO on VPX Fabric Connector The objectives of this standard are to assign Serial RapidIO ports to the VPX P1/J1 connector and to provide rules and recommendations for the use of the assigned Serial RapidIO ports. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.4-2012 (R2018) PCI Express ®on the VPX Fabric Connector The objective of this standard is to standardize the implementation of the PCI Express Fabric in the VITA46 environment and define the mapping of the PCI Express Links on the VPX Connector. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.6-2013 (R2018) Gigabit Ethernet Control Plane on VPX The objectives of this standard are to assign Gigabit Ethernet Port mappings for the purpose of Control Plane communication onto the VPX connectors for both 3U and 6U form factors and to provide rules and recommendations for the interoperable implementation and use of said Gigabit Ethernet Port mappings. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.7-2012 (S2024) Ethernet on VPX Fabric Connector The objectives of this standard are to assign backplane Ethernet links to the VPX P1/J1 connector and to provide rules and recommendations for the use of Ethernet over backplane media. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.9-2018 (R2024) PMC/XMC Rear I/O Fabric Signal Mapping on 3U and 6U VPX Modules Standard This document describes an open standard for PMC or XMC mezzanine rear I/O pin mappings to VITA 46.0 plug-in module backplane connectors. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $75 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.10-2009 (S2024) Rear Transition Module for VPX This standard defines signal mapping for VPX Rear Transition Modules (RTMs). ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.11-2022 System Management on VPX This document defines a framework for System Management in VPX systems. It enables interoperability within the VPX ecosystem at the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU), chassis and system levels. The framework is based on the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) specification and leverages many concepts and definitions from the AdvancedTCA ®(ATCA ®) specification by PICMG ®.

This revision clarifies some requirements and language in the original document and adds support for Tier-3 Chassis Managers and IPMCs, which imposes new requirements, adds support for some new features, and enhances message security. While there is no effect on implementations that claim compliance to VITA 46.11-2015, Tier-1 and Tier-2 Chassis Managers and IPMCs must update their designs to claim compliance to this revision of the standard.
ANSI/VITA Approved $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 46.30-2020 Higher Data Rate VPX This document defines a standard for a VPX connector that supports higher data rates, to at least 25 Gbaud –for protocols such as 100GBASE-KR4 Ethernet and PCIe Gen 4. The higher data rate connectors compliant to VITA 46.30 are intermateable to legacy VITA 46.0 connectors and follow the same form factor. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
VITA 46.31-2020-VDSTU Higher Data Rate VPX - Solder Tail in Blind via This document defines a standard for a VPX connector that supports higher data rates, to at least 25 Gbaud –for protocols such as 100GBASE KR4 Ethernet and PCIe Gen 4. The connectors feature a short solder tail intended to be soldered into a blind via. The higher data rate connectors compliant to VITA 46.31 are intermateable to legacy VITA 46.0 connectors and follow the same form factor. VITA Trial Use $50 Free
VITA 47 Bundle VITA 47 Standards Package A collection of all of the VITA 47 standards in one part number for ease of ordering. All documents are needed to implement the standards. ANSI/VITA Approved $75
ANSI/VITA 47.0-2019 Construction, Safety, and Quality for Plug-In Modules Standard The VITA 47 group of standards defines environmental, design and construction, safety, and quality requirements for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Plug-In Modules intended for ground and aerospace applications. ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 47 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 47.1-2025 Common Requirements for Environments, Design and Construction, Safety, and Quality Standard The VITA 47 group of standards defines Environments, Design and Construction, Safety, Quality Systems, and ESS (Environmental Stress Screening) requirements for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Plug-In Modules intended for commercial and military, ground, naval, and aerospace applications. VITA 47.1 addresses requirements common across the VITA 47 group of standards.

This revision enables a broader use of this standard across the COTS supplier market with added flexibility in environmental class options. It also corrects typographical errors, adds additional requirements for conformance to improve interoperability and maintainability, and rugged design for tactical applications.

Modules aligned to ANSI/VITA 47.1-2019, primarily Table 3.2-1, might not be aligned to the released ANSI/VITA 47.1-2025 standard. To become compliant with this new update a supplier should revise their module datasheet with the new Figure 3.2 1, Environmental Class Code.
Working Group See VITA 47 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 47.2-2019 Class 2 Requirements for Environments, Design and Construction, Safety, and Quality Standard The VITA 47 group of standards defines environmental, design and construction, safety, and quality requirements for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Plug-In Modules intended for ground and aerospace applications. VITA 47.2 addresses requirements specific to dedicated service electronic products. ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 47 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 47.3-2019 Class 3 Requirements for Environments, Design and Construction, Safety, and Quality Standard The VITA 47 group of standards defines environmental, design and construction, safety, and quality requirements for commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Plug-In Modules intended for ground and aerospace applications. VITA 47.3 addresses requirements specific to high performance electronic products. ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 47 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 48.0-2022 Mechanical Standard for Microcomputers using Ruggedized Enhanced Design Implementation (REDI) This standard defines a mechanical implementation for Plug-In Modules. Two types of Plug-In Modules are defined: Type 1 and Type 2. Both Type 1 and Type 2 Plug-In Modules take advantage of increased slot pitch to provide enhanced thermal performance and increased structural durability. Type 1 units support Two Level Maintenance while Type 2 units do not.

This revision adds allowance for a 100 mm Plug-In Module depth and allows for additional pitches to be defined in the VITA 48 Dot Standards.
ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 48.1-2020 Mechanical Standard for VPX REDI
Air Cooling
This standard defines the mechanical requirements that are needed to insure the mechanical interchangeability of air cooled 3U and 6U Plug-In Modules and define the features required to achieve Two Level Maintenance compatibility.

This edition made clarifying editorial changes and modified Table 4, including an observation and permission.
ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 48.2-2022 Mechanical Standard for VPX REDI
Conduction Cooling
This standard defines the mechanical requirements that are needed to ensure the mechanical interchangeability of conduction cooled 3U and 6U Plug-In Modules and defines the features required to achieve Two Level Maintenance compatibility.

This revision adds a 100 mm depth and multiple pitches at 0.2 inch increments.
ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 48.4-2022 Mechanical Standard for VPX REDI
Liquid Flow Through Cooling
This standard establishes the mechanical design interface control, outline and mounting requirements for a liquid-flow-through cooled Plug-In Module to ensure the mechanical intermateability of 6U VPX liquid-flow-through cooled Plug-In Module within associated sub-racks. The connector layout remains common with VITA 46. This Plug-In Module uses liquid flowing through an integral heatsink of the module for cooling the electronic components and circuit boards. The quick disconnect coupling assemblies allow fluidic coupling to the chassis coolant manifold.

This revision expands the supplier list for COTS components, corrects errors in depicted dimensions, adds additional requirements for conformance to improve interoperability and maintainability, and improves elements to expand the supplier base.
ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 48.5-2010 (R2017) Mechanical Standard for VPX REDI
Air Flow Through Cooling, 1.52 "Pitch
This standard establishes the design requirements for an air-flow-through cooled plug-in unit with a form factor as close to 6U as possible while retaining the VITA 46 connector layout. Unlike ANSI/VITA 48.1, which uses cooling air impinged directly upon the components and circuit boards, this plug-in unit uses a compact core heat exchanger located within the central heat sink of the unit. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 48.7-2023 Mechanical Standard for VPX REDI
Air Flow-By ™Cooling
This standard defines a detailed mechanical implementation for Air Flow-By cooling and sealing technologies applied to plug-in modules, backplanes, and sub-racks as defined in VITA 46/48. Air Flow-By cooling seals, environmentally and EMI, the PCBA within heat exchanging covers, convectively cooling the assembly without exposing the PCBA to the cooling air. This revision provides additional design clarity, removes dependencies on external documentation, adds requirements for plug-in module specifications, and updates recommendations to better guide design practice. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 48.8-2022 Mechanical Standard for VPX REDI
Air Flow Through Cooling, 1.0 "to 1.5 "Pitches
This document describes an open standard for the design requirements for an air-flow-through cooled plug-in module having 3U and 6U form factors while retaining the VITA 46.0 connector layout. Unlike using cooling air impinged directly upon the components and circuit boards, this plug-in module uses a finned heat exchanger frame located within the central section of the assembly to top cool primary circuit board components as well as mezzanine board components. Both 3U and 6U standard form factors are offered using 3 defined pitch spacings, with options to have alternate air flow intake and exhaust paths. The plug-in modules of this standard exhibit a weight reduction and cost savings by eliminating both wedge retainer usage and module lever usage by way of using light weight jack screws for plug-in module insertion and extraction into a subrack chassis. The intention of this standard is to optimize SWAP-C (Size, Weight, Power, Cost).

This revision of the standard updates the plug-in module in the following areas: tab dimensions, thickness, jackscrew, and additional screw. Also, the option for insertion/extraction levers has been removed.
ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 49.0-2015 (R2021) VITA Radio Transport (VRT) Standard The VITA Radio Transport (VRT) standard defines a transport-layer protocol designed to promote interoperability between RF (radio frequency) receivers and signal processing equipment in a wide range of applications. These include spectral monitoring, communications, radar, and others. In support of this variety of applications, the VRT protocol provides a variety of formatting options that allow the transport layer to be optimized for each application. VRT also enables high-precision timestamping to provide time synchronization between multiple receiver channels. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 49.1-2015 (R2021) VITA Radio Link Layer (VRL) Standard This document describes an open standard for an optional encapsulation protocol for VITA-49.0 (VRT) packets. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 49.2-2017 (R2024) VITA Radio Transport (VRT) Standard for
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Signals and Applications
The ANSI/VITA 49.2 standard, which is part of the VITA Radio Transport (VRT) family of standards, defines a signal/spectrum protocol that expresses spectrum observation, spectrum operations, and capabilities of RF devices. This is done independent of manufacturer, equipment type, point of use in an architecture and application. The intent of the VRT protocol is to enable RF systems to migrate from proprietary stove-pipe architectures to interoperable multi-function architectures. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 49A-2015 (R2021) Spectrum Survey Interoperability Standard This document specifies an interoperability specification that is applicable to spectrum-survey applications. It is intended to foster high-throughput and adaptable processing in a large-scale environment. It specifically considers the needs of devices based around 32-/64-bit general-purpose processors (GPP) and FPGAs that utilize Internet Protocol (IP) as the underlying transport between processing devices. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 51.0-2012 (S2024) Reliability Prediction This document provides a framework for electronics equipment reliability standards, and establishes a reliability Community of Practice. It addresses the limitations of existing prediction practices with a series of subsidiary specifications that contain the “best practices ”within industry for performing electronics reliability analysis. The development of VITA 51.0 and the subsidiary specifications is an effort to give harmony, consistency and repeatability to reliability practices. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 51.1-2013 (R2018) Reliability Prediction MIL-HDBK-217 Subsidiary Standard This standard defines defaults and methods to adjust the models in MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2. This is not a revision of MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2 but a standardization of the inputs to the MIL-HDBK-217F Notice 2 calculations to give more consistent results. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 51.2-2016 Physics of Failure Reliability Predictions This standard provides standard processes, instructions and default parameters for using the Physics of Failure (PoF) approach for modeling the reliability of electronic products. It includes a discussion of the philosophy, context for use, definitions, models for key failure mechanisms, definition of the input data required, default values if technically feasible or the typical range of values as a guideline. It defines how modeling results are interpreted and used. It requires the documentation of modeling inputs, assumptions made during the analysis, modifications to the models and rationale for the analysis. ANSI/VITA Approved $75 Free
ANSI/VITA 51.3-2010 (S2024) Qualification and Environmental Stress Screening in Support of Reliability Predictions This standard provides rules, permissions, and observations to assure that cost effective Qualification and Environmental Stress Screening support valid reliability predictions and enhance electronics reliability. It includes a discussion of the systems engineering relationships between Qualification, Environmental Stress Screening, and reliability. ANSI/VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 53.0-2010 (S2022) Standard for Commercial Technology Market Surveillance This standard describes the types of market surveillance data needed by Department of Defense program managers in order to develop and implement technology refresh plans. Technology refresh events are fueling the large majority of new DoD acquisition efforts in the post-"Perry memo "era of increased DoD reliance on commercial technology vendor design, production, support, and repair services. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 57 Bundle VITA 57 FMC and FMC+ Bundle Includes VITA 57.1 and VITA 57.4 in one part number for ease of ordering. Both documents are needed to implement the standards. ANSI/VITA Approved $100
ANSI/VITA 57.1-2019 + Errata FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) Standard This standard describes the compliance requirements for an FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) IO module which utilizes a mezzanine module to provide for a low overhead protocol bridge between a carrier card's front panel IO and an FPGA processing device on the carrier card. This revision provides for larger EEPROMs, relaxes ground requirements, and allows for higher current on 3P3V AUX. ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 57 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 57.4-2018 + Errata FPGA Mezzanine Card Plus (FMC+) Standard This standard extends the VITA 57.1 FMC standard by specifying two new connectors that enable additional Gigabit Transceiver interfaces that run at up to 28Gbps. It also describes FMC+ IO modules which support this enhanced version of the FMC electro-mechanical standard. This is between the front panel IO, on the mezzanine module, and an FPGA processing device on the carrier card, which accepts the mezzanine module. Additional signals to support backplane reference clock and synchronization have been added. The VITA 57.4 specification is backwards compatible in that a VITA 57.4 carrier card can still support a VITA 57.1 FMC. ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 57 Bundle Free
VITA 58.0-2009 (S2022) Line Replaceable Integrated Electronics Chassis Standard This standard provides common design and performance requirements for a family of integrated electronic chassis incorporating updated industry standard high speed electronic assemblies and designed for rugged environments. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
VITA 58.1-2013 (S2022) Line Replaceable Integrated Electronics Chassis Standard, Liquid Cooled Chassis The objective of this standard is to identify the particular requirements for a chassis configuration conforming to the VITA 58.0 base standard. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 60-2012 (R2018) Alternative Connector for VPX This standard provides an alternate connector to the one specified in the VITA 46.0 VPX Baseline Standard. Because the VITA 46.0 and the VITA 60.0 connectors are not intermateable, a VITA 60.0 module will not plug into a VITA 46.0.0 backplane and vice versa. However, the VITA 60.0 standard provides VPX users with the flexibility to choose a VPX module and backplane connector combination for their specific application requirements. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 61.0-2022 XMC 2.0 This standard is based upon VITA 42.0 XMC. It defines an open standard for supporting high-speed, switched interconnect protocols on the existing, widely deployed XMC form factor. XMC 2.0 utilizes a ruggedized, higher speed mezzanine interconnect based on pin and socket technology featuring multiple points of contact. This revision addresses additional connector stack heights, lower mating force variants and support for higher data rate protocols. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 62.0-2022 Modular Power Supply Standard This standard provides requirements building a power supply module that can be used to power a VPX chassis. The module will fit within the standard envelope defined for VPX modules in the VITA 48.x standards.

This revision updates the standard to better define current configurations and usage. The changes are delineated in the Forward of this standard.
ANSI/VITA Approved $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 62.1-2023 Three Phase High-Voltage Power Supply Front-End in a 3U Plug-In Module Standard This standard provides requirements for a Three Phase High-Voltage Power Supply Front-End in a 3U Plug-In Module that can be used to power a VPX chassis in the VITA 62 family of standards. The Plug-In Module will fit within the standard envelope defined for VPX Plug-In Modules in the VITA 48.0 standards. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 62.2-2020 Modular Power Supply Standard for 270v Applications This standard provides requirements for building a 270 volt/3U or 6U class power supply module that can be used to power a VPX chassis in the VITA 62 family of standards in high altitude applications. The module will fit within the standard envelope defined for VPX modules in the VITA 48.0 standards. ANSI/VITA Approved $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 63.0-2015 (R2022) Hyperboloid Alternative Connector for VPX This document describes an open standard for VITA 63.0 Hyperboloid Alternative Connector for VPX. This standard provides an alternative connector to the one specified in the VITA 46.0 VPX Baseline Standard. Because the 46.0 and the 63.0 connectors are not intermateable, a VITA 63.0 module will not plug into a VITA 46.0 backplane and vice versa. However, the VITA 63.0 draft standard provides VPX users with the flexibility to choose a VPX module and backplane connector combination for their specific application requirements. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
VITA 65 Bundle OpenVPX (VITA 65 and VITA 65.1) Bundle Includes VITA 65.0 plus VITA 65.1 profile tables in PDF and Excel format. ANSI/VITA Approved $100
ANSI/VITA 65.0-2023 OpenVPX System Standard The OpenVPX System Standard was created to bring versatile system architectural solutions to the VPX market. Based on the extremely flexible VPX family of standards, the OpenVPX standard uses Plug-In Module mechanical, connectors, thermal, communications protocols, utility, and power definitions provided by specific VITA standards to define a series of Slot, Backplane, Module, and Standard Development Chassis Profiles.

This revision adds additional communication protocols, including protocols for supporting video. The associated VITA 65.1 adds Connector Modules and Slot Profile dash options to support 75 Ωcoax.
ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 65 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 65.1-2023 OpenVPX System Standard –Profile Tables This standard documents variations of Slot, Backplane, and Modules Profiles. As part of the Slot Profile Description, there are also some Connector Modules defined. This document is primarily tables which are referenced by VITA 65.0. (PDF and Excel versions available) ANSI/VITA Approved See VITA 65 Bundle Free
ANSI/VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX –Base Standard This standard defines a family of blind mate Fiber Optic interconnects for use with VPX backplanes and plug-in modules. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
VITA 66.1-2012 Optical Interconnect on VPX –MT Variant This standard defines a family of blind mate Fiber Optic interconnects for use with VITA 46 backplanes and plug-in modules, MT Variant. VITA Stabilized Maintenance $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 66.2-2013 (R2018) Optical Interconnect On VPX –ARINC 801 Termini Variant This standard defines a family of blind mate Fiber Optic interconnects for use with VITA 46 backplanes and plug-in modules, ARINC 801. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 66.3-2012 (R2018) Optical Interconnect on VPX - Mini-Expanded Beam Variant This standard defines a family of blind mate Fiber Optic interconnects for use with VITA 46 backplanes and plug-in modules, Mini-Expanded Beam Variant. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 66.4-2016 Optical Interconnect On VPX –Half Width MT Variant This standard defines a family of blind mate Fiber Optic interconnects for use with VITA 46 backplanes and plug-in modules, Half Width MT Variant. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 66.5-2022 +Errata Optical Interconnect on VPX - Hybrid Variants This document describes an open standard for configuration and interconnect within the structure of VITA 66.0 enabling an interface compatible with VITA 46 containing blind mate optical connectors with fixed contacts on the Plug-In Module and floating displacement on the backplane. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 67.0-2019 Coaxial Interconnect on VPX –Base Standard This standard establishes a structure for implementing blind mate analog coaxial interconnects with VPX backplanes and plug-in modules, and to define a specific family of interconnects and configurations within that structure. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 67.1-2019 Coaxial Interconnect on VPX, 4 Position SMPM Configuration This standard details the configuration and interconnect within the structure of VITA 67.0 enabling a VITA 46 interface containing multi-position blind mate analog connectors with up to 4 SMPM contacts. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 67.2-2020 Coaxial Interconnect on VPX, 8 Position SMPM Configuration This standard details the configuration and interconnect within the structure of VITA 67.0 enabling a VITA 46 interface containing multi-position blind mate analog connectors with up to 8 SMPM contacts. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 67.3-2023 Coaxial Interconnect on VPX - Spring-Loaded Contact on Backplane This document describes an open standard for configuration and interconnect within the structure of VITA 67.0 enabling an interface compatible with VITA 46 containing multi-position blind mate analog connectors with coaxial contacts, having fixed contacts on the Plug-In Module and spring action on the backplane. This revision adds 75-Ohm SMPM and 75-Ohm NanoRF contact interfaces to support video applications. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 68.0-2017 + Errata VPX Compliance Channel Standard VITA 68.0 is the Base Standard of the VITA 68.x family of standards for signal integrity compliance of VPX systems and components. This standard provides an overview of the VITA 68.x family of standards and defines common requirements for VPX modules and VPX backplanes that apply across the range of VITA 68.x standards. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 68.1-2017 + Errata VPX Compliance Channel - Fixed Signal Integrity Budget Standard This standard defines a VPX compliance channel fixed signal Integrity budget including module performance criteria and common backplane performance criteria required to support multiple fabric types across a range of defined baud rates. This allows backplane developers to design a VITA 68.1 compliant backplane that supports required bit error rates (BER) for multiple fabric types when used with modules that are compliant to VITA 68.1 budget criteria. This also allows module developers to design VITA 68.1 compliant Plug-In Modules that are interoperable with other VITA 68.1 compliant modules when used with a VITA 68.1 compliant backplane. VITA 68.1 defines a single budget encompassing modules and backplanes at various baud rates, with a “large system budget ”that supports interoperability of VITA 68.1 compliant modules with any VITA 68.1 compliant backplane, including large slot count backplanes with relatively long traces.

VITA 68.1 is part of the VITA 68.x family of standards for signal integrity compliance of VPX systems and components. Please refer to VITA 68.0 for an overview of the VITA 68.x family of standards.
ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 68.2-2021 VPX Standard S-Parameter Definition This standard leverages the VITA 68.0 S-parameter definition and expands upon how the S-parameters are formatted and named to help system integrators easily take multiple vendor S-parameters, concatenate them together to analyze an entire channel from one Module to another Module. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
VITA 68.3-2024-VDSTU Reference SI Model Standard for Gen4 and Higher Speeds This document defines a standard reference model approach for OpenVPX Signal Integrity compliance at baud rates above 10.3125 Gbaud. It defines reference OpenVPX Plug-In Module and backplane s-parameter models that can be used to create end-end OpenVPX reference channels in conjunction with reference VPX connector and device s-parameter models. Signal Integrity compliance for an OpenVPX Plug-In Module or backplane is based on simulation of end-end channel compliance against the requirements of the applicable protocol standard. VITA Trial Use $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 74.0-2022 Compliant System Small Form Factor Module (VNX) Base Standard This standard meets the growing needs for improved Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) with a rugged, low cost, fast serial fabric interconnect based Plug-In Module, whilst leveraging many proven features of existing VITA standards. This revision documents the migration from VITA 74 VNX to VITA 90 VNX+ family of standards, adds revised voltage levels for specific signals, as well as corrected connector part numbers and drawings. ANSI/VITA Approved $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 76-2016 (R2021) High Performance Cable -
Ruggedized 10 Gbaud Bulkhead Connector for Cu and AOC Cables
This standard defines a rugged standardized 10 Gbaud interconnect system with high pin count and high density for I/O. It is capable of supporting multiple protocols and power while being interoperable with both Copper Cabling and Active Optic Cabling. ANSI/VITA Reaffirmed $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 78.0-2022 SpaceVPX System Standard This document describes an open standard for creating high performance fault tolerant interoperable backplanes and modules to assemble electronic systems for spacecraft and other high availability applications. Such systems support a wide variety of use cases across the aerospace community. This standard leverages the OpenVPX standards family and the commercial infrastructure that supports these standards.

This revision adds additional profiles, additional communication protocols (such as Ethernet), higher speed copper connectors, and an updated naming methodology for Slot and Module Profiles.
ANSI/VITA Approved $100 Free
ANSI/VITA 86-2019 High Voltage Input Sealed Connector Power Supply This standard defines an environmentally sealed connector pair which is compatible with the backplane footprint as defined in VITA 62.0 for 3U power supplies operating in harsh environments operating off of a high voltage input. ANSI/VITA Approved $25 Free
ANSI/VITA 87.0-2024 High Density (HD) MT Circular Connector - Type 1 This document defines a standard for circular connectors with optical MT. Circular connector shells are compliant to MIL-STD-38999. MT offer options for 12 or 24 fibers per MT and for physical contact or lensed MT. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 88.0-2021 Switched Mezzanine Card Plus (XMC+) Standard This document defines a standard for improved electrical/mechanical mezzanine connectors for XMC applications. Mechanically, the proposed connector is compatible with VITA 42/61 footprints achieving backward compatibility while offering improved mating/unmating forces. Electrically, speeds up to PCIe Gen 5 (32 Gbps) and maximum SI performance are supported. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free
ANSI/VITA 91.0-2024 Connector for Higher Density VPX Applications This standard defines a connector system that provides higher pin density to the backplane for VPX applications. ANSI/VITA Approved $50 Free

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