Induction: April 2017
With more than 30 years in the embedded computer industry, Warren Andrews combined his engineering, marketing, and journalistic skills to identify and analyze leading-edge technologies and trends. His participation in the embedded computing industry in all of his roles inspired many to greater heights. His many articles and market analysis provided insight into this emerging part of the computer industry.
Andrews was the editorial director and publisher/associate publisher of RTC magazine, a highly respected monthly magazine in the embedded-computer industry. He also founded COTS Journal, a leading publication in the military/government electronics market.
Prior to joining the RTC Group, Andrews worked with Computer Design, Electronic Design, and EE Times in various capacities including to his own newsletter, InfoBus Report, which he published for over 10 years. In addition, he published several marketing/technology studies including landmark volumes on the “Bus and Board Market,” and “PCI, its Markets and Technology.”
Before joining the fourth estate in 1980, Andrews owned his own engineering and manufacturing company where he designed microprocessor-based switching systems for the retail and lodging industries. He is also the developer of several unique products for the security and automotive industries and holds a U.S. Patent for one of his inventions.
Andrews has been the keynote speaker at the PCI SIG annual meeting, a regular speaker at the annual Bus and Board Conference, and was often invited to participate at company-specific events with companies that include Motorola, Wind River Systems, and Zilinx.
Andrews was on the Board of Directors of SBS Technologies and the board of advisers of StarGen, Inc.