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Call for Participation

  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023 3:00 PM | Jerry Gipper (Administrator)


    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting on move this reaffirmed standard to ANSI Stabilized Maintenance. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. 

    VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is:  July 17, 2023

    Under ANSI rules after 5 years of a standard being reaffirmed, a standard may enter a 10-year stabilized maintenance period. There have been no requests for revision or errata for this standard in question, hence it is recommended that it be maintained in stabilized maintenance state.

    Voter registration for voting for ANSI recognition of the following standards for the stabilized maintenance (SM) process is now open.

    ANSI/VITA 46.7-2012 (R2018): Ethernet on VPX Fabric Connector

    Abstract: The objectives of this standard are to assign backplane Ethernet links to the VPX P1/J1 connector and to provide rules and recommendations for the use of Ethernet over backplane media.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. There is no fee to join this consensus body.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote. The ballot will be voided if we do not get enough returned votes.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023 12:39 PM | Jerry Gipper (Administrator)


    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting on move this reaffirmed standard to ANSI Stabilized Maintenance. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. 

    VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is:  July 17, 2023

    Under ANSI rules after 5 years of a standard being reaffirmed, a standard may enter a 10-year stabilized maintenance period. There have been no requests for revision or errata for this standard in question, hence it is recommended that it be maintained in stabilized maintenance state.

    Voter registration for voting for ANSI recognition of the following standards for the stabilized maintenance (SM) process is now open.

    ANSI/VITA 51.0-2012 (R2018): Reliability Prediction

    Abstract: This document provides a framework for electronics equipment reliability standards, and establishes a reliability Community of Practice. It addresses the limitations of existing prediction practices with a series of subsidiary specifications that contain the "best practices" within industry for performing electronics reliability analysis. The development of VITA 51.0 and the subsidiary specifications is an effort to give harmony, consistency and repeatability to reliability practices.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. There is no fee to join this consensus body.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote. The ballot will be voided if we do not get enough returned votes.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Thursday, May 25, 2023 11:35 AM | Jerry Gipper (Administrator)


    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting on move this reaffirmed standard to ANSI Stabilized Maintenance. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. 

    VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: July 17, 2023

    Under ANSI rules after 5 years of a standard being reaffirmed, a standard may enter a 10-year stabilized maintenance period. There have been no requests for revision or errata for this standard in question, hence it is recommended that it be maintained in stabilized maintenance state.

    Voter registration for voting for ANSI recognition of the following standards for the stabilized maintenance (SM) process is now open.

    ANSI/VITA 60-2012 (R2018): Alternative Connector for VPX

    Abstract: This standard provides an alternate connector to the one specified in the VITA 46.0 VPX Baseline Standard. Because the VITA 46.0 and the VITA 60.0 connectors are not intermateable, a VITA 60.0 module will not plug into a VITA 46.0.0 backplane and vice versa. However, the VITA 60.0 standard provides VPX users with the flexibility to choose a VPX module and backplane connector combination for their specific application requirements.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. There is no fee to join this consensus body.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote. The ballot will be voided if we do not get enough returned votes.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9:44 AM | Dean Holman (Administrator)

    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting to revise this standard. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body.  VITA members with active Workspace profiles should sign up in Workspace.

    VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: May 1, 2023

    Revision of Existing Standard

    Under ANSI and VITA rules every 5 years an approved standard must be reaffirmed, revised, placed in stabilized maintenance or withdrawn. This standard has been revised; hence it has been put forth for approval of the revisions.

    Consensus body registration for voting to approve this revised standard is now open.

    Draft/VITA 46.0-2023x - VPX Baseline Standard

    Abstract: This standard is the VPX Baseline Standard; an evolutionary step forward for the provision of high-speed interconnects in harsh environment applications. This revision adds verification methodologies to all Rules and Recommendations, adds guide socket/pin rotations for additional power supply configurations, provides further clarifications to power wafer current ratings, and makes other changes to clarify the requirements of this standard.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please go here to register ONLY IF you intend to vote. The ballot will be voided if we do not get enough returned votes.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Monday, February 20, 2023 12:39 PM | Dean Holman (Administrator)

    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting to revise these standards. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body.  VITA members with active Workspace profiles should sign up in Workspace.

    VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: March 6, 2023.

    Revision of Existing Standard

    Under ANSI and VITA rules every 5 years an approved standard must be reaffirmed, revised, placed in stabilized maintenance or withdrawn.  Existing standards can also be revised as needed at any time.  This standard has been revised; hence it has been put forth for approval of the revisions.

    Consensus body registration for voting to approve this revised standard is now open.

    The VITA 65.x working group has completed the two drafts and has voted to take these draft through to the VITA public review approval process for eventual ANSI approval.

    DRAFT/VITA 65.0-2023x OpenVPX System Standard

    Abstract : The OpenVPX System Standard was created to bring versatile system architectural solutions to the VPX market. Based on the extremely flexible VPX family of standards, the OpenVPX standard uses Plug-In Module mechanical, connectors, thermal, communications protocols, utility, and power definitions provided by specific VITA standards to define a series of Slot, Backplane, Module, and Standard Development Chassis Profiles. This revision adds additional profiles, additional communication protocols, higher speed copper connectors, and a new naming methodology for Module Profiles.

    DRAFT/VITA 65.1-2023x OpenVPX System Standard – Profile Tables

    Abstract : This standard documents variations of Slot, Backplane, and Modules Profiles. As part of the Slot Profile Description, there are also some Connector Modules defined. This document is primarily tables which are referenced by VITA 65.0. This revision adds additional profiles, additional communication protocols, higher speed copper connectors, and a new naming methodology for Module Profiles.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate.

    In the case that you believe these standards needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please go here register ONLY IF you intend to vote.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Tuesday, December 20, 2022 4:57 PM | Dean Holman (Administrator)

    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting to reaffirm these two standards. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body.  VITA members with active Workspace profiles should sign up in Workspace.

    VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: January 4, 2023.

    Reaffirmation of Approved Standard

    Under ANSI/VITA rules, every 5 years an approved standard must be reaffirmed, revised, or withdrawn.  The VSO by ballot feels that the following standard continues to be relevant to our community and is free from significant errors. Therefore, the VSO by ballot has recommended that this standard be reaffirmed.

    Consensus body registration for voting on reaffirmation of these two standards is now open.

    ANSI/VITA 68.0-2017 - VPX Compliance Channel Standard
    Abstract: VITA 68.0 is the Base Standard of the VITA 68.x family of standards for signal integrity compliance of VPX systems and components. This standard provides an overview of the VITA 68.x family of standards and defines common requirements for VPX modules and VPX backplanes that apply across the range of VITA 68.x standards.

    ANSI/VITA 68.1-2017 - VPX Compliance Channel - Fixed Signal Integrity Budget Standard
    Abstract: The ANSI/VITA 68.1-2017 standard defines a VPX compliance channel fixed signal Integrity budget including module performance criteria and common backplane performance criteria required to support multiple fabric types across a range of defined baud rates. This allows backplane developers to design a VITA 68.1 compliant backplane that supports required bit error rates (BER) for multiple fabric types when used with modules that are compliant to VITA 68.1 budget criteria. This also allows module developers to design VITA 68.1 compliant Plug-In Modules that are interoperable with other VITA 68.1 compliant modules when used with a VITA 68.1 compliant backplane. VITA 68.1 defines a single budget encompassing modules and backplanes at various baud rates, with a "large system budget" that supports interoperability of VITA 68.1 compliant modules with any VITA 68.1 compliant backplane, including large slot count backplanes with relatively long traces.  VITA 68.1 is part of the VITA 68.x family of standards for signal integrity compliance of VPX systems and components. Please refer to VITA 68.0 for an overview of the VITA 68.x family of standards.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. VITA Members can sign up for free (while logged into their account) while non-members must pay a nominal fee to participate.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Tuesday, November 01, 2022 1:28 PM | Jerry Gipper (Administrator)
    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting on move this reaffirmed standard to ANSI Stabilized Maintenance. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: November 7, 2022

    Stabilized Maintenance of Existing Standard

    Under ANSI rules after 5 years of a standard being reaffirmed, a standard may enter a 10-year stabilized maintenance period. There have been no requests for revision or errata for this standard in question, hence it is recommended that it be maintained in stabilized maintenance state.

    Voter registration for voting for ANSI recognition of the following standards for the stabilized maintenance (SM) process is now open.

    ANSI/VITA 48.5-2010 (R2017): Mechanical Standard for Electronic Plug-in units Using Air Flow Through Cooling

    Abstract: This standard establishes the design requirements for an air-flow-through cooled plug-in unit with a form factor as close to 6U as possible while retaining the VITA 46 connector layout. Unlike ANSI/VITA 48.1, which uses cooling air impinged directly upon the components and circuit boards, this plug-in unit uses a compact core heat exchanger located within the central heat sink of the unit.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. There is no fee to join this consensus body.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote. The ballot will be voided if we do not get enough returned votes.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Wednesday, October 26, 2022 2:52 PM | Dean Holman (Administrator)

    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting to revise this standard. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: November 14, 2022

    Revision of Existing Standard

    This standard has been revised; hence it has been put forth for approval of the revisions.

    DRAFT/VITA 48.7-2022x: Mechanical Standard for Electronic Plug-in Units using Air Flow-by Cooling Technology

    AbstractThis document describe a detailed mechanical implementation for Air Flow-By cooling and sealing technologies applied to plug-in modules, backplanes, and sub-racks as defined in VITA 46/48.  Air Flow-By cooling seals, environmentally and EMI, the PCBA within heat exchanging covers, convectively cooling the assembly without exposing the PCBA to the cooling air.

    This revision provides additional design clarity, removes dependencies on external documentation, adds requirements for plug-in module specifications, and updates recommendations to better guide design practice

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Thursday, September 22, 2022 4:40 PM | Jerry Gipper (Administrator)
    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting to reaffirm this standard. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: October 3, 2022

    Reaffirmation of Approved Standard

    Under ANSI/VITA rules, every 5 years an approved standard must be reaffirmed, revised, or withdrawn.  The VSO by ballot feels that the following standard continues to be relevant to our community and is free from significant errors. Therefore, the VSO by ballot has recommended that this standard be reaffirmed.

    Consensus body registration for voting on reaffirmation of this approved standard is now open.

    ANSI/VITA 49.2-2017 - VITA Radio Transport (VRT) Standard for Electromagnetic Spectrum: Signals and Applications

    Abstract: The ANSI/VITA 49.2 standard, which is part of the VITA Radio Transport (VRT) family of standards, defines a signal/spectrum protocol that expresses spectrum observation, spectrum operations, and capabilities of RF devices. This is done independent of manufacturer, equipment type, point of use in an architecture and application. The intent of the VRT protocol is to enable RF systems to migrate from proprietary stove-pipe architectures to interoperable multi-function architectures.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot. There is no fee to join this consensus body.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

  • Thursday, September 01, 2022 11:51 AM | Jerry Gipper (Administrator)

    VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review VITA Consensus Body for voting to revise this standard. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: September 14, 2022

    Revision of Existing Standard

    This standard has been revised; hence it has been put forth for approval of the revisions.

    DRAFT/VITA 48.8-2022x: Mechanical Standard for Electronic VPX Plug-in Modules Using Air Flow Through Cooling Standard

    AbstractThis document describes an open standard for the design requirements for an air-flow-through cooled plug-in module having 3U and 6U form factors while retaining the VITA 46.0 connector layout. Unlike using cooling air impinged directly upon the components and circuit boards, this plug-in module uses a finned heat exchanger frame located within the central section of the assembly to top cool primary circuit board components as well as mezzanine board components. Both 3U and 6U standard form factors are offered using 3 defined pitch spacings, with options to have alternate air flow intake and exhaust paths. The plug-in modules of this standard exhibit a weight reduction and cost savings by eliminating both wedge retainer usage and module lever usage by way of using light weight jack screws for plug-in module insertion and extraction into a subrack chassis. The intention of this standard is to optimize SWAP-C (Size, Weight, Power, Cost).

    This revision of the standard updates the plug-in module in the following areas: tab dimensions, thickness, jackscrew, and additional screw. Also, the option for insertion/extraction levers has been removed.

    How to Apply for the Consensus Body

    Currently, this consensus body needs voting members from the following interest categories in order to be able to proceed with this process. The consensus body will be vetted to ensure it meets balance, lack of dominance and openness rules. Following which a formal ballot will be sent to the consensus body for voting.

    • Producer: An appropriate participant designs, develops, or manufactures products using this standard.
    • User-Industrial/Commercial: An appropriate participant is using this standard in an industrial or commercial application
    • User-Government/Military: An appropriate participant is a representative of a government agency using this standard in a government or military application.
    • Research: An appropriate participant is involved in research or consulting that may use this standard.
    • General Interest: An appropriate participant is an interested party not necessarily involved in producing, directly using, or acquiring product using this standard.

    Please note that company membership in VITA is NOT a requirement to join this consensus body. This registration is open to both VITA members and non-members. You must register via this form if you wish to participate in the upcoming ballot.

    In the case that you believe this standard needs a revision, please indicate so in the comments field of the registration form and be prepared to sponsor and actively participate in the revision effort. If you are selected for the consensus body, you may provide minor editorial comments during the balloting.

    Please register ONLY IF you intend to vote.

    The VITA policies and ANSI Function can be found on our governance page at

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