The VSO meets every two months to discuss, plan, and develop standards to support its members' interests. Observers are welcome. A meeting registration fee of $160 is charged for all in-person attendees. VITA member company Frontgrade has graciously offered us the use of their facility in Colorado Springs, CO for this meeting! All attendees, both in-person and via WebEx must register. Non-US attendees are welcome. Please note that due to security requirements, VITA must submit the COMPLETE list of all in-person attendees by Monday 3 March 2025. If attending in-person, please complete the extra fields for US Citizens or non-US Persons for use in pre-screening by Frontgrade security. This information will be deleted from VITA systems following the meeting. No additional in-person registrations will be allowed after this cutoff date.
Meeting Facility:
4350 Centennial Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Hotel Block:
Embassy Suites
7290 Commerce Center Drive
Colorado Springs, CO
Hotels room rates in the Colorado Springs area are currently around $128 per night. We have negotiated a discounted rate with of $123 per night for VITA attendees.
Special Hotel rate ends February 18, 2025.
Click here to reserve your hotel room at the special rate.
For Agenda and Docs visit VITA Workspace at
VITA Workspace login is required
Hints available at
To participate via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 814 9101 7656
Passcode: vsomeeting