ANSI/VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX – Base Standard
VITA is accepting registrations to be a member of a public review Consensus Body for voting to reaffirm this standard. You do not have to be a VITA member to participate in this Consensus Body. The response deadline to register for this consensus body is: June 30, 2021
Under ANSI and VITA rules every 5 years an approved standard must be reaffirmed, revised, placed in stabilized maintenance or withdrawn. There have been no requests for revision or errata for this standard, hence it is recommended that it be put forth for reaffirmation.
"Reaffirmations shall be accomplished without any substantive change to the main text of the standard. All non-substantive changes in the main text of the standard shall be explained, or noted, in a foreword.”
ANSI/VITA 66.0-2016 Optical Interconnect on VPX – Base Standard
Abstract: This standard defines a family of blind mate Fiber Optic interconnects for use with VPX backplanes and plug-in modules.
Stakeholders: Anyone using optical interconnects on VPX.
Register: Call for Consensus Body Members to Reaffirm ANSI/VITA 66.0-2016